HR Development
HR Development operations are essential to foster engagement and cooperation from each employee … at every step of its development path: recruitment, development, rewarding, personalised challenges, etc.
HR development is everyone’s business!
Management and Managers: sharing a vision, detecting potentials, skills development.
> Anticipating the evolution of trades and crafts, and short, medium and long term organizations
> Professional evaluation, recognition; skills and mobility development
> Detection of potentials and talents, proposal of motivating challenges
Employees: actors of their professional evolution and of their employability
> Understanding work expectations and projection on future jobs
> Self-evaluation, identification of strengths and areas of development
HR Manager: expert and facilitator for the management leaders and their teams
> Anticipating the appropriateness of competences with the strategy, the teams and the labour pool
> Anticipating operational solutions in order to have the right competences available at the right time for the right job
> Training and coaching programs, collective and individual
> Recognition and equity, mobility & recruitment
> Define and support the management by competences with and for all actors in the company: management, managers, employees, HR and IRP with clear and operational referential and processes
> Define and activate the skills development plan
> Build a collective awareness regarding individual and common areas of development, in particular for cooperation postures and associated soft skills
> Manage fields of expertise in relation with management and business requirements
> Facilitate talent revues with the involvement of various managers…
> Ensure current and future needs in terms of competences are documented and provide operational answers appointments and professional career paths
> Anticipate and align skills/competences development with the company’s strategy and trades/crafts evolution
> Develop HR / managers cooperation: within the teams, through talents detection, for career development paths, etc.
> Provide employees with the tools to master their job requirements, be actors of their career development program and foster their employability
> Develop constructive relations with unions thanks to a shared referential for innovation and social negotiation
> Implement a social barometer / a QWL employee satisfaction survey prepared with the Management and a panel of employees , which will help get relevant answers to your current/potential issues regarding improvement and development
> Design and support ambitious but realistic company projects calling upon the collective intelligence of your teams on the right subject, at the right time and with enthusiasm!
> Enrich the employees’ work cycle experience from recruitment to departure by providing smooth and efficient HR support as a recognition of their involvement (symmetry of attentions)
> Value the employer brand, especially in terms of image, in order to develop the company’s notoriety and to attract talents
Our added-value
> A listening and advising stance, assignment tailored to each situation: co-construction, surveys, panel groups, conciliation, …
> Building on collective experience, benchmarks and sharing of best practices
> Consultants having extensive HR, management and training experience and convinced that cooperation, pragmatism and integrating “change” are key ensure team buy-in
> Proven and efficient tools
> Ensuring our approaches are transparent and genuine thus helping build trust with all stakeholders
They trust us to help with their projects, in France of abroad